We stand behind all Pretty Odd products. If you receive a product and it is damaged, has quality issues or is not what you ordered, you may return part of the order or the whole order within 14 days of the delivery date for a replacement.
If a returned item appears to be washed or worn, we will ship the items back to you and we will not issue any form of replacement or credit.
Damaged Item / Quality Issue
For the fastest resolution, please respond to our email after you have completed the form below with photographs demonstrating the issue or the damaged area of the item. The most optimal pictures are on a flat surface, with the damage displayed clearly.
Size Exchange
Each item listed in our store includes a sizing chart with detailed information. Please examine the chart and description notes carefully as this will help you size items correctly. We reserve the right to refuse replacing any item based on “wrong size return”.
Shipping Disclaimer
You are responsible for getting your package back to us. In the event that your return is not delivered to us, you will have to file a claim with your shipper. It is best that you use a traceable shipping method with insurance when shipping your order back to us.